
Dear Everyone

Dear Everyone, Words can't explain how difficult the last sixth months have been for me. While I'm grateful to be alive and healthy, being laid off from my most recent job at Dexerto in June has taken an emotional toll on me. Even though it wasn't my fault, it's been the third time in a row that I've been fired/let go/laid off from a full-time job. In addition to that, I was also let go from another temp job in 2018 after only being there for a month. I didn't expect this to hit me so hard, but it's more about the bigger picture than the actual situation. For five years, I built a journalism career all on my own and worked my ass off to do it, not knowing where it would lead me. I interviewed Broadway stars, Bachelor stars, and wrote more reality TV articles than I can count. Getting laid off from my job confirmed the not-so-harsh reality that a journalism career isn't stable. The constant plagiarism, quantity prioritizing quality, cutting employees, and...

Back with a vengeance.

I'm back at it again! I know I owed anyone who actually reads this blog an update but I've been too exhausted to write. If you can believe it, I've been at my new job for three months now. I passed my first review and it went well! For some reason, because of everything I've gone through I'm unable to accept a compliment, but I'm glad that the people I work with actually seem to appreciate me. I also got a nice personal message for International Women's Day that was written for each of the female employees, which was really thoughtful! I'm grateful to be at a job that I'm not miserable at. But like any job, there are things that annoy me about it. The people here are chill. Like, way too chill... the opposite from my other job. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to answer messages and I try not to let it annoy me, but it does. Also, I got mad at my mom before I started the job for telling me that I might get upset because I'll be going from an ed...

You win some, you lose some.

About two months ago, I was let go from my Editor job three days before my birthday. Things were going downhill there, and I hit my breaking point. I was both shocked and not shocked at the same time. Even though I hated the job, I felt devastated, defeated, and lost. A little before that happened, I had hit a really low point and decided to finally sign up for therapy. I made the appointment right before I lost my job (which happened to be scheduled for the day after my birthday) not knowing what would happen. When I finally lost my job, the timing couldn't have been better. I was finally able to work through the trauma I was carrying from my negative experiences at different jobs. I'm grateful to have found such a great therapist who is supportive and not judgmental. After I left my job, I once again questioned my career path. Unfortunately, being unemployed is a road I know well. I thought this time would be easier because I had gone through it before, but for some reason it...

How can it be emotions change, faster than mercurial rain?

  August 18, 2023 was the day I had been waiting for not just for three weeks, but basically since I was a teenager. I bought a ticket to meet Idina Menzel at a CD signing in at Barnes & Noble in NYC for her new album, Drama Queen. I've been a fan of Idina since I saw her in Wicked at 11 years old, and always dreamed of meeting her someday. I actually met her two other times before at the stagedoor for If/Then and Skintight, but never really talked to her because I mentally blacked out. Also, both times I waited at the stagedoor, she wasn't allowed to take photos with fans (even though I'm grateful that she came out at all!) So back to two days ago... I didn't sleep the night before (shocker) and I was EXTREMELY nervous. I felt like I had already fucked up before by not talking to Idina the other two times I met her, and was also sad about not getting a photo. I didn't want to ruin my opportunity this time because I would never forgive myself. It helped that I ...

The higher you climb, the farther you fall.

Once again, I apologize for abandoning this blog. I recently started reading the book  A Hundred Other Girls  and it inspired me to write again. (BUY IT!) I owe it to whoever reads this to give a brief life update. In April, my sister got engaged in Paris. Traveling is one of the top things that gives me serious anxiety, so I was nervous to go. I've never been to Europe, and I'm only used to going on cruises and stuff. I haven't really been abroad since I went to Israel in 2013. I also had to use PTO that I literally COULDN'T afford. But I went, and I ended up having a great time, even if it was difficult first. And it was priceless to see my sister's reaction when my family surprised her because she had no idea we were coming. I'm not going to explain the details of the whole trip (maybe I'll save that for another entry if anyone cares), but it was one to remember for sure. It's weird that my sister is engaged because it still seems like we're kids....

Second Half of 2022 Recap

Hello again! I've been trying to keep up with this blog, but I've been so busy lately. Since I've been so behind on updates, I figured I'd recap the second half of 2022. July 2022: My Freelance Job At A Newspaper Later in July (shortly after BroadwayCon), I applied for a job at a company that owns "local" newspapers in South Jersey (but not local to me). Even though I originally applied to be a full-time reporter, the Managing Editor basically handed me a freelance position and I couldn't say no. I was kind of desperate at this point and the pay was decent. I'm not gonna lie, this job gave me a little bit of anxiety. I had to call/email people for a story not knowing if they'll respond, and it was stressful. Luckily, the Managing Editor was really nice and I talked to some really genuine people. In the past, I only worked for a newspaper doing legal ads, and it felt really good to be a reporter this time. Sometimes, the stress was worth it. I cover...

The Con Where It Happens

I know it's been awhile, but I haven't had the chance to write in this blog so I'm sorry for that. I do feel like I owe everyone (and myself) a BroadwayCon 2022 recap post so here it is! I went to BroadwayCon two weeks ago on July 9th and have been meaning to write an update about the experience, so better late than never, right? The funny thing is, I wasn't even planning to attend BroadwayCon this year until less than a month before. I saw them promoting the convention a lot on social media and convincing people to buy tickets. The journalist in me thought, "Wow, they must need press!" So of course, I went ahead and googled how to apply for a press pass, and submitted an application. Shortly after, their PR company emailed me a press release anyway encouraging me to apply, but I had already done so. I got approved a few weeks later, and was honestly shocked. I did get in trouble for not asking the higher-ups at BroadwayWorld for permission first, but oh well....