Dear Everyone
Dear Everyone, Words can't explain how difficult the last sixth months have been for me. While I'm grateful to be alive and healthy, being laid off from my most recent job at Dexerto in June has taken an emotional toll on me. Even though it wasn't my fault, it's been the third time in a row that I've been fired/let go/laid off from a full-time job. In addition to that, I was also let go from another temp job in 2018 after only being there for a month. I didn't expect this to hit me so hard, but it's more about the bigger picture than the actual situation. For five years, I built a journalism career all on my own and worked my ass off to do it, not knowing where it would lead me. I interviewed Broadway stars, Bachelor stars, and wrote more reality TV articles than I can count. Getting laid off from my job confirmed the not-so-harsh reality that a journalism career isn't stable. The constant plagiarism, quantity prioritizing quality, cutting employees, and...