One Man Down

It's been a week without my friend at work. I thought I'd be okay, and I am, but there are times when I miss him a lot. We'll text every once in awhile, but it's usually me making the effort which sucks. The week before he left, he kept asking me if he'd get a card or a party. Usually when some people have left our department we do a potluck for them where everyone brings food. It was kind of annoying to be honest. Like, if you hate this place so much why do you care about either of those things? I gave in, because I'm a good friend and gave the kid his damn potluck. Only a few people brought stuff in but it's better than nothing. I feel like people don't talk about this issue... "work friends" leaving. I didn't think my friend was just a "work friend." He was someone I had known since I was 11 years old. We met in a summer enrichment art class and went to school together. We were close for a few years, he even came to my...