Back with a vengeance.
I'm back at it again! I know I owed anyone who actually reads this blog an update but I've been too exhausted to write. If you can believe it, I've been at my new job for three months now. I passed my first review and it went well! For some reason, because of everything I've gone through I'm unable to accept a compliment, but I'm glad that the people I work with actually seem to appreciate me. I also got a nice personal message for International Women's Day that was written for each of the female employees, which was really thoughtful! I'm grateful to be at a job that I'm not miserable at. But like any job, there are things that annoy me about it. The people here are chill. Like, way too chill... the opposite from my other job. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to answer messages and I try not to let it annoy me, but it does. Also, I got mad at my mom before I started the job for telling me that I might get upset because I'll be going from an ed...