
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Con Where It Happens

I know it's been awhile, but I haven't had the chance to write in this blog so I'm sorry for that. I do feel like I owe everyone (and myself) a BroadwayCon 2022 recap post so here it is! I went to BroadwayCon two weeks ago on July 9th and have been meaning to write an update about the experience, so better late than never, right? The funny thing is, I wasn't even planning to attend BroadwayCon this year until less than a month before. I saw them promoting the convention a lot on social media and convincing people to buy tickets. The journalist in me thought, "Wow, they must need press!" So of course, I went ahead and googled how to apply for a press pass, and submitted an application. Shortly after, their PR company emailed me a press release anyway encouraging me to apply, but I had already done so. I got approved a few weeks later, and was honestly shocked. I did get in trouble for not asking the higher-ups at BroadwayWorld for permission first, but oh well....