"Fake It 'til You Make It" (Or Don't): The Worst Job Interview I've Ever Had
Let's face it, we've all had some pretty terrible job interviews. In my case, I've had a lot. But there was one in particular that I will NEVER forget. It was in fall 2017, I interviewed for an entry-level Production Coordinator position at a publishing company in NYC that makes tourist guides. I worked really hard to prepare for this interview. To be honest, I didn't necessarily want the job, but I wanted to get the HELL out of retail and the job description didn't seem so bad. I felt like I was pretty capable and qualified for it. I met with a hiring manager, and I thought the interview went pretty well. She didn't ask me anything that was too hard, and I answered the questions in the best way I could. The conversation seemed to flow. Then, she had me meet with the CEO. That's when things took a left turn. I walked into his office and immediately felt intimidated. He asked me a few questions, which I honestly don't remember. The only question ...